Hat exhibition Luton Museum

Hat exhibition Luton Museum

“If you want to get ahead, get a hat” was a phrase coined in 1952 by the Hat Council for an advertisement. Back in the day no self respecting man or woman would be seen without a hat.

Luton in Bedfordshire, as you may know, is the Hatters town.

The Hat Industry of Luton – The Historic England Blog (heritagecalling.com)

The new Heritage area of the Hat District has been totally revamped as you can see:

Hat District | Creative Quarter I Luton

I don’t know about you, I love hats and look forward to winter when I can wear them. They finish an outfit as much as a handbag and shoes.

Yesterday, we went to a fantastic hat exhibition at my local Museum which features over 250 hats with all the accompanying sewing machines and all sorts of fabulous items which go into making a hat:


Many are from the film industry including Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow hat and Michael Keaton’s Batman mask and a whole astronaut outfit worn by Matt Damon in the film The Martian.

The exhibition is on until December. If you are near the area, do go along and see it. It’s very worthwhile.

Here are some of the highlights:
